07.12.2019 CACIB Wels

Richter: Günter Wonisch


Soooo proud mum presents Andreas Palme & Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee.
They won Junior Handling AK1 & Best Junior Handler of the day. Andreas is 10 years old.

Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee -

Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra -
Zaramay Avantgarde Ajandék - JCACA
Warming old NewVawe Ananas -
Kamil Eli Vera - CACA res. CACIB

30.11.2019 MUT Clubschau Budapest 

Richter: Nikola Smolic (HR)

100 gemeldete Pudel


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee -

CAC, BOB, Best dwarf, BISS


Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli -



Loved chocolates Cosmopolitan -

VCAC, #2 VeteranBIS


Zaramay Avantgarde Ajandék -

JCAC, #2 JuniorBIS


Cen-Clearance Hibiscus & Zsiga Chanel Coco - very promising


Kamil Eli Vera - CAC, BOB


#1 Paarklasse: Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee & Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli

#1 Zuchtgruppe: Loved chocolates Cosmopolitan, Sweet Coffee, Sweet Chilli

#1 Nachzuchtgruppe: Loved chocolates Cosmopolitan...

Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee, Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli, Warmingold NewVawe Ananas, 

Zaramay Avantgarde Ajandék, Zaramay Belami Barney


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee

in Bratislava and

my Senior Handling dog in Novi Sad.
Bratislava (SK) - Lucia Sladekova,

group Tina Taulos
CAC, CACIB, BOB, shortlisted group IX, CIB


Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra

in Novi Sad.
Junior Winner, BOS, BOS-BIS handled by his breeder Milica Gavrilov

Kamil Eli Vera

at the Novi Sad and Bratislava weekend.

Novi Sad (SRB) - Ute Eberhard (D)
CAC, BOB, Best Toy,

shortlisted Best movement,
Best grooming by Edit Molnár

Bratislava (SK) - Lucia Sládeková (SK)

Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli

on the Novi Sad and Bratislava weekend.

Novi Sad (SRB) - Ute Eberhard (D)
CAC, Best head and expression

Bratislava (SK) - Lucia Sladekova (SK)

Bundessieger Tulln 2019

Thank you to the great judgement by Henrik Hannelius (FIN) and Yvonne Jaussi (CH) - Group and especially for their wonderful words about Coffee.
He did it again. I cannot believe it.

CACA, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB, BOG-2








very promising
owned, handled and big loved by Petra Schneider

CACIB Tulln 28.9.2019
Richter: Sissi Dollmann

"Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli" -


"Warmingold NewVawe Ananas" -


"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" -


"Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra" -


08.09.2019 Hod Dog Show 2019 Hodmezovasarhely

Richter: Hans Ahrens (S)


Oh Loved chocolates of Abracadabra



Warmingold NewVawe Ananas


07.09.2019 Hod Dog Show 2019,Hodmezovasarhely

Richter: Kardos Vilmos (H)


Loved chocolates Little Bandit


Besitzer: Milica Gavrilov (SRB)


Kamil Eli Vera



Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee



Warmingold NewVawe Ananas



Oh Loved chocolates of Abracadabra




19. - 21.07.2019

Handling Training


Andreas und ich waren heuer mit den Schokis beim Junior Handling Seminar der Jungen Hundefreunde in Wittau. Wieder was neues gelernt und erledigt. Es war ein tolles Wochenende für uns alle.

14.07.2019 CACIB Oberwart

Richter: Željko Gajić, Heidi Kirschbichler

„Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee“
CACA, CACIB, BOB, BOG, BOD3, couple2

„Warmingold New Vawe Ananas“
CACA, CACIB, BOS, couple2

JuniorHandling with Andreas 2nd place

„Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra“

05.05.2019 Gläserner Pudel - Breeding Award 2019

                    Böheimkirchen (A)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee

               Best in Show

Klassensieger, Best dwarf male, Breeding Award


Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra

                 Baby/Puppy BIS


Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree - best dwarf female

Kamil Eli Vera - best toy male


#1 Paarklasse:

Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee &

Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli

#1 Zuchtgruppe:

Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee, Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli & Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree

#1 Nachzuchtgruppe:

Smart Connection Californication &

Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee, Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli, Bado's Bruna vom Hause Starke


Junior Handling:

#1 Dori mit Sunny & #2 Andreas mit Camillo


vorzüglich für...

Smart Connection Californication, Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli, Bado's Bruna vom Hause Starke, Warmingold New Wave Cedrus, Warmingold New Wave Camilla, Warmingold New Vawe Ananas, Libisa Mon L'Ami, Loved chocolates Vinzenz-Vanilla, Loved chocolates Ribisel 







Kamil Eli Vera und Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious sind stolze Eltern von einem Buben in falb und einem Mädchen in schwarz geworden.

31.03.2019 CACIB Salzburg (A)

Richter: Erwin Deutscher (A)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee

CACA, CACIB, Alpensieger, BOB


Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli

CACA, CACIB, Alpensieger, BOS


Kamil Eli Vera

CACA, CACIB, Alpensieger, BOS


Junior Handling-3

Andreas Palme & Kamil Eli Vera




Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee


ÖCP Jahressieger

1. Platz



09.03.2019 CACIB Graz (A)

Richter: Dragana Vasiljevic (SRB)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee



Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli



Kamil Eli Vera



Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra




08.03.2019 Clubschau Graz (A)

Richter: Berthold Peterburs (D)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee - CACA

Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli - CACA, BOS

Kamil Eli Vera - CACA, BOS

Oh Loved Chocolates of Abracadabra - vielversprechend







Und von Frauchen Gerlinde erfahren. 

Der erfolgreichste Toypudel auf österreichischen CACIBs....


Loved chocolates Raphaello


Austrian Show Winner 2018










Bestätigung kam mit der Post...


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee


Austrian Show Winner 2018

Am 7.1.2019 wurden Kamil Eli Vera und Libisa Mon L'Ami stolze Eltern von zwei Buben und einem Mädchen.


Champion of Champions Show Budapest (H)

Richter: Jean Francois Vanaken (B)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee -

BOB, shortlisted BIS

Ungarischer Champion


MUT Clubshow Budapest (H)

Richter: Jean- Francois Vanaken (B)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee -

CAC, Clubwinner, BOB, Best brown poodle,

Best dwarf Poodle, BIS - 2


Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli - 

CAC, Clubwinner, BOS, BIS - BOS - 2


Warmingold New Vawe Ananas -

CAC, Best Hungarian bred poodle


Smart Connection Californication - CAC


Beste Nachzuchtgruppe nach Smart Connection Californication mit seinen Kindern Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee, Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli und Bado's Brunhild vom Hause Starke.


Yamit Muskat Be Cool - VCAC, Clubwinner, BOB, Veteran BIS - 3


Loved chocolates Raphaello - CAC, Clubwinner


Kamil Eli Vera - CAC, Clubwinner, BOB, Junior Handling - 2 mit Andreas Palme.




Am 27.11.2018 wurden Yamit Muskat Be Cool und Clear Top Narcis stolze Eltern von einem braunen Buben.

27.10.2018 Golden Poodle Trophy Novi Sad (SRB)

Richter: Viviana Nodalli (I)


Zwerge braun:

Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee


Best brown poodle

Best dwarf poodle

Best in show

Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli - CAC

Bado's Brunhild vom Hause Starke - CAC

Besitzer: Nikolett Kalmárné Kiss


Zwerge falb:

Loved chocolates Pamina - CAC, BOB, Best apricot poodle

Besitzer: Erna Kocsis

Loved chocolates King Diamond - CAC, BOS


Kleinpudel braun:

Charmeurhusets Wolverine - Jugendbester, Serbischer Jugendchampion


Toy braun:

Loved chocolates Little Bandit - CAC, BOS

Besitzer: Milica Gavrilov

Toy apricot:

Libisa Mon L'Ami - CAC

21.10.2018 Derby CACIB Komarom (H)

Richter: Inga Siil (EST) + Gruppe

                Tamas Jakkel (H) - BIS


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee


Derby Winner, Derby BOB

shortlisted Derby BIS




Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli

CAC, CACIB, BOS, Derby Winner


Warmingold NewVawe Ananas - CAC

Kamil Eli Vera - res.CAC, res.CACIB

Libisa MonL'Ami - CAC

1.10.2018 Bundessieger Tulln (A)

Richter: Leehy Packer (ISR)


Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee -

Jugendbester, BOB, BOG-2


Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli - Jugendbeste

Warmingold NewVawe Ananas - CACA

Smart Connection Californication - CACA, CACIB


Loved chocolates Take it again - vielversprechend

Besitzer: Julia Mayerhofer-Turgel

Loved chocolates Raphaello - CACA, CACIB, BOB

Besitzer: Gerlinde Hufnagl


ÖCP Poodle Trophy in Stetten 29.7.2018
under poodle specialist Lucia Sládeková (SK)

"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" -
Junior Winner, Trophy Winner , BOB,
"Best male poodle from Austrian breeding",
Best brown poodle

"Warmingold New Vawe Ananas" -
Junior Winner, Trophy Winner
"Bado's Brunhild vom Hause Starke -
CACA, Kalmàrné Kiss Nikolett
"Loved chocolates Raphaello" - Junior Winner, Trophy Winner, Gerlinde Hufnagl
"Loved chocolates Pamina" - CACA, Trophy Winner, Erna Kocsis
"Loved chocolates Take it again" - vielversprechend, Jüngsten BISS, Julia Mayerhofer-Turgel
"Kamil Eli Vera" - CACA
"Charmeurhusets Wolverine" - Junior Winner

Grooming: Edit Molnár
Finishing: Erika Bajko

Thank you for this great day!


ÖCP Winner in Stetten 28.7.2018
under poodle specialist Daniela Risdan (SLO)

"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" -
Junior Winner, Donautalsieger, BOB, "Best male poodle from Austrian breeding", Junior BISS-2, BISS-2

"Warmingold New Vawe Ananas" - Junior Winner, Donautalsieger, BOS, shortlisted Junior BISS
"Bado's Brunhild vom Hause Starke - CACA, Donautalsieger, Kalmàrné Kiss Nikolett
"Loved chocolates Raphaello" - Junior Winner, Donautalsieger, Junior BISS-3, Gerlinde Hufnagl
"Loved chocolates Take it again" - vielversprechend, Jüngsten BISS-2, Julia Mayerhofer-Turgel
"Kamil Eli Vera" - CACA
"Charmeurhusets Wolverine" - Junior Winner

Grooming: Edit Molnár
Finishing: Erika Bajko

Thank you for this great day!

29.4.2018 ÖCP Breeding Award "Gläserner Pudel" Stetten (A)
Judge: Doris Payerl (A)

"Charmeurhusets Wolverine" - Very promising
"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" - Klassensieger, Best male, Breeding Award
"Warmingold New Vawe Ananas" - Klassensieger
"Kamil Eli Vera" - Klassensieger

"Loved chocolates Ribisel" - Klassensieger
Besitzer: Brigitte Mousavi
"Loved chocolates Raphaello" - Klassensieger, Best male, Breeding Award
Besitzer: Gerlinde Hufnagl

28.4.2018 Esterházy Memorial CAC (H)
Judge: Ferenc Gröschl

"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" - HPJ, BOB, BOG2
"Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli" - HPJ, BOS
"Kamil Eli Vera" - HPJ, BOB 

"Loved chocolates Galaxy" - CAC, BOB 
Besitzer: Michaela Glanner



28.4.2018 CAC Pápa (H)

Judge: Julia Magdas

"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" - HPJ, BOB, BOG1
"Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli" - HPJ, BOS
"Kamil Eli Vera" - HPJ, BOB, shortlisted group

4.3.2018 CACIB Graz 
Richter: Jean-Jaques Dupas (F)


"Charmeurhusets Wolverine" - very promising

"Loved chocolates Sweet Coffee" - JCAC, BOB 
"Loved chocolates Sweet Chilli" - JCAC

"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - CACA, CACIB, BOS

"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - CACA, CACIB
"Libisa Mon l'Ami" - CACA, CACIB, BOS
"Clear Top Narcis" - CACA

Andreas - #5 Junior Handling AK1

"Loved chocolates Pamina" - CACA, CACIB BOB 
Dori - #1 Junior Handling AK1

Besitzer: Erna Kosics

"Loved chocolates Raphaello" - JCAC, BOB

Besitzer: Gerlinde Hufnagel

Austrian Show Winner 2017:



Loved chocolates Galaxy

Zwerg braun:

Smart Connetion Californication

Zwerg falb:

Loved chocolates King Diamond

ÖCP Jahressieger 2017:


1. Platz: Smart Connetion Californication

2. Platz: Loved choclates Little Prince

3. Platz: Solnes Ruby in the Sky

10.11.2017 Welthundeausstellung Leipzig (D)



Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss

World Veteran Winner


Loved chocolates Pamina

Besitzer: Erna Kosics

Vize World Junior Winner


Bado's Bruna aus dem Hause Starke

Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa & Smart Connection Californication

Züchter & Besitzer: Jennifer Starke

World Junior Winner

22.10.2017 CACIB Komarom (H)

Richter: Otokar Vondrous (CZ)


Loved chocolates King Diamond - CAC, CACIB, BOS

Loved chocolates Pamina - JCAC, B: Erna Kosics


Libisa Mon l'Ami - CAC, Res.CACIB

Loved chocolates Galaxy - CAC, B: Michaela Glanner



21.10.2017 CACIB Komarom (H)

Richter: Annamária Tarján (H)

Loved chocolates Galaxy - CAC, B: Michaela Glanner


20.0.2017 CACIB Komarom (H)

Richter: Rafael de Santiago (PR)

Loved chocolates Galaxy - CAC, B: Michaela Glanner

Loved chocolates King Diamond
Loved chocolates King Diamond

01.10.2017 Bundessieger Tulln 
Judge: Monika Halmi (H)

"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB, Coowner: Ilona Marton
"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - CAC, Handling: Dóra Takács 
"Clear Top Narcis" - CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB, Handling: Erna Kocsis
"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" - Veteran CAC, Veteranbundessieger
"Loved chocolates Raphaello" - very promising, Owner: Gerlinde Hufnagel
"Loved chocolates Ribisel" - very promising, Owner: Brigitte Mousavi, Handling: Erna Kocsis
"Loved chocolates Rubina" - promising, Owner: Saloumeh Assadi, Handling: Dóra Takács 

"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB, Handling. Edit Molnár
"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOS
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB, Coowner: Erika Bajko, Handling: Edit Edit Molnár
"Loved chocolates Pamina" - Juniorwinner, Bundesjugendsieger, BOS, Owner & Handling: Erna Kocsis

And last but not least Dóra Takács has won JuniorHandling AG1 and complete Competition. 

30.09.2017 Cruft's Qualification Tulln

Judge: Klaus Strack (D)

"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - CAC, Res. CACIB, Coowner:Ilona Marton
"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - CAC, CACIB, BOS, Handling: Dóra Takács 
"Clear Top Narcis" - CAC, Handling: Erna Kocsis
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - CAC, CACIB, BOS, Coowner: Erika Bajko
"Loved chocolates Pamina" - Juniorwinner, Owner & Handling: Erna Kocsis

20.8.2017 CAC - Estenfeld (D), VDP 
Judge: Birgit Bischoff (D)
"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" - Veteran-CAC, VeteranBOB, BOB,
Res. Best in Show
"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH, BOS; Ilona Marton
"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH
"Libisa Mon l'Ami" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH
"Clear Top Narcis" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH; Erna Kocsis
"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH
Dwarfs in fawn:
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH, BOS; Erika Bajko
"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH, "German Champion VDH"
"Loved chocolates Pamina" - Junior CAC, JuniorBOB; Erna Kocsis
Dwarf in brown:
"Bado's Brunhild aus dem Hause Starke" - very promising
Miniature in fawn:
"Goldfire's Aurora Borealis" - CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH, BOB, #3BISEdit Molnár

Junior Handling: Andreas Palme & Solnes Ruby in the Sky did a great job showing exercices from the stage 2 and winning the competition. 

Thank you very much Edit Molnár for a too crazy grooming marathon with one of the best groomed dogs ever.
Thank you very much Jenny Starke for the show and all around.
Thank you my son Andreas for being my best human part in my life.

CACIB Oberwart 16.7.2017
Judges: Ingrid Ehold (A) (breed) & Guenther Ehrenreich (A) (group)

The Browns:
"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, CACIB, BOB, shortlisted group, Austrian Grand Champion
"Bado's Brunhild vom Hause Starke" - vielversprechend
"Loved chocolates Othello" - Junior Winner, BOS, Austrian Junior Champion
"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - CACA (Ilona Marton)
"Inapat's Beyoncé" - CACA
"Loved chocolates Galaxy" - CACA, Res.CACIB (Michaela Glanner)
"Altariels Akelei" - Res. CACA (Michaela Glanner)
The Fawns:
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - CACA, Res.CACIB (Erika Bajko)
"Butterfly the Dreaming Eyes" - e2 (Gabriela Köllner)
"Libisa Mon l'Ami" - Junior Winner, Austrian Junior Winner

10.06. & 11.06.2017 CACIB Klagenfurt (A)

Richter: Željko Gajić (SLO) & Kostadin Shankov (BUL)


"Loved chocolates Galaxy"- B+H: Michaela Glanner

V1, CACA, CACIB, BOS, Cruft's Qualification & V1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Alpen Winner, #4 BOG


"Smart Connection Californication"- V1, CACA, CACIB & V1, CACA, res.CACIB

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky"- V1, CACA, CACIB, BOB & V2, res.CACA, res.CACIB

"Inapat's Beyoncé" - V1, CACA

"Loved chocolates Othello" - V1, Jugendbester & V1, Jugendbester, BOS

"Beau Papillon the dreaming eyes" - V1, Jugendbester & V1 Jugendbester

"Libisa Mon l'Ami" - V1, Jugendbeste & V1 Jugendbeste

Am 24.05.2017 wurden Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree aka Sunny und Equerry's Replay aka Vicky Eltern von einem Buben und einem Mädchen.

Die Babys wurden im Kennel: Warmingold New Wave geboren und werden liebevoll aufgezogen von Erna Kosics und ihrer Familie.

21.05.2017 CACIB Wieselburg (A)

Richter: Uschi Eisner (A)


"Smart Connection Californication"- V1, CACA, CACIB, BOB

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky"- V1, CACA, CACIB, BOB -- "Internationaler Champion"

"Loved chocolates Galaxy"- V1, CACA, Res.CACIB, Michaela Glanner

New ÖCP Grand Champion:

Smart Connection Californication

Solnes Ruby in the Sky

06.05.2017 Gläserner Pudel -

Breeding Award in Stetten (A)

Richter: Gerda Bolter (A)


"Smart Connection Californication" -

V1, Klassensieger, Bester Rüde der Größe, Breeding Award, #2BIS


"Altariels Akelei"-

V1, Klassensieger, Beste Hündin der Größe, Breeding Award, #3BIS; Co. Michaela Glanner


"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj"-

V1, Klassensieger, Bester Rüde der Größe, Breeding Award

Beste Nachzuchtgruppe & Breeding Award

Großpudel braun Loved chocolates Q mit drei Generationen im Ring:

Ildefonso Schoko Pudel le Papillon (Opa), Altariels Akelei (Mama),

Loved chocolates Quintus Maximus & Loved chocolates Qumaira


"Beau Papillon the Dreaming Eyes"- vielversprechend, #3Baby/PuppyBIS

"Ildefonso Schoko Pudel le Papillon"- V1, Klassensieger, Bester Rüde der Größe (mit 13 Jahren)

"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss"-V1, Klassensieger, Beste Hündin der Größe (mit 9 Jahren)


Klassensieger für

Inapat's Beyoncé, Libisa Mon l'Ami, Loved chocolates King Diamond, Solnes Ruby in the Sky


Vielversprechend für

Bado's Brunhild vom Hause Starke, Loved chocolates Othello, Loved chocolates Quintus Maximus, 

Loved chocolates Peter Pan (Regina Lembacher-Korn), Loved chocolates Qumaira (Katja Klein),

Butterfly the Dreaming Eyes (Z+B Gabriela Köllner, V: Solnes Ruby in the Sky)



Am 05.05.2017 wurden

Loved chocolates Hot Chilli aka Little und Smart Connection Californication aka Viktor Eltern von zwei strammen Burschen und einer Prinzessin.


Tia, Deine Urenkerln sind geboren! 

29.04.2017 & 30.04.2017 Grand Prix Wochenende Budapest (H)

"Loved chocolates King Diamond" -


Co: Erika Bajko

29.04.2017 MUT Clubschau Budapest (H)

Richter: Stephen Wheeler (AUS)


"Smart Connection Californication" -

V1, CAC, Clubsieger, BOB


"Loved chocolates Janosh" -

V1, CAC, Clubsieger; BOB

"Loved chocolates Pamina" -

Vielversprechend, Puppy BIS

Co: Erna Kosics


18.03.2017BIS CAC Show Obergriesbach (D)
Judge: Zuzana Vršecká

"Loved chocolates King Diamond"-
CAC DPK, CAC VDH, BOB, #4BIS, Erika Bajko...
"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli"-
"Loved chocolates Little Prince"-
CAC DPK, CAC VDH, BOS, Ilona Marton
"Equerry's Replay"- #1VeteranBIS
"Beau Papillon the dreaming eyes"- #1PuppyBIS
"Smart Connection Californication"-
CAC DPK, CAC VDH, Deutscher Champion DPK
"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj"-
CAC DPK, CAC VDH, Deutscher Champion VDH
"Loved Chocolates Hot Mocoa"-
CAC DPK, CAC VDH, SCA, Jenny Starke, Deutscher Champion DPK, Sieger Champion DPK
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca"-
CAC DPK, Jenny Starke


Am 14.03.2017 wurden World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj aka Turbo Kaj und Clear Top Narcis aka Iris stolze Eltern von einem Bub und zwei Mädchen.

CACIB Graz 5.3.2017
Richter: Andrea Ernst

"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, CACIB, BOS
"Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree"- CAC, Erna Kocsis
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca"- CAC, Res. CACIB, Jenny Starke
"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CAC, CACIB, BOB 
"Loved chocolates King Diamond"- CAC, Res. CACIB,
Co Erika Bajko
"Loved chocolates Little Prince"- CAC, CACIB, BOB,
Co Ilona Marton
"Loved chocolates Janosh"- CAC 
"Loved chocolates Galaxy"- CAC, CACIB, BOS, Michaela Glanner

Simply Life  clubshow in Graz 4.3.2017.
Richter: Tomas Kucera

"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, BOB, BIS
"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CAC, BOB, #4 BIS 
"Loved chocolates Little Prince"- CAC, BOB, Co Ilona Marton

"Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree"- CAC, Erna Kocsis
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca"- CAC, BOB, Jenny Starke
"Loved chocolates King Diamond"- CAC, Co Erika Bajko
"Loved chocolates Janosh"- CAC 
"Loved chocolates Galaxy"- CAC, Michaela Glanner

"Loved chocolates Pamina"- BIS, Erna Kosics
"Beau Papillon of Dreaming Eyes"- #2BIS
"Loved chocolates Peter Pan"- #3BIS, Fam. Lembacher

Junior Handling:
#1 place Andreas Palme and Loved chocolates Janosh

Best Austrian poodles 2016 aus dem Hause Loved chocolates:


Austrian Show Winner 2016:                              ÖCP Jahressieger 2016:

Altariels Akelei                                                      #1 Solnes Ruby in the Sky

Loved chocolates Hot Chilli                               #3 Loved chocolates Hot Chilli

Solnes Ruby in the Sky



16. -19.02.2017 FEHOVA Budapest

"Loved chocolates Little Mocca"

Besitzer: Jennifer Starke (D)

16.02., Richter: David A. Alexander (USA)

CAC, Best female, CACIB, BOB

17.02., Richter: Martin Baskaran (ES)

CAC, best female, CACIB, BOB and shorted list 5 Gruppe 9 

18.02., Richter: Szilvia Gróf (HU)

CAC, BOB, Clubwinner, #3 BIS

19.02. Richter: Sárközy Gyula (HU)


"Loved chocolates Little Prince"

Mitbesitzer: Martonne Kopacsi Ilona (H)


18.02., Richter: Szilvia Gróf (HU)

CAC, BOB, Clubwinner

1. Großpudelnachwuchs bei den Loved chocolates


Am 26.1.2017 erblickten sechs Schokoknutschkugeln das Licht der Welt.


Stolze Eltern der kleinen sind 

Altariels Akelei & Altariels Capsicum.


Zwei Rüden & vier Hündinnen sind Mimis ganzer stolz.


CACIB Nürnberg 07.01.2017
Judge: Tomas Kucera (CZ)

"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - CAC DPK, CAC VDH, CACIB, BOS, Alpen Winner
"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj" - CAC DPK, CAC VDH, CACIB, BOS, Alpen Winner
"Loved chocolates Little Prince" (Kaj's son 15 month old) - CAC DPK, CAC VDH, Res.CACIB -- CACIB
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - CAC DPK, CAC VDH
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - CAC DPK

Karlsruhe CACIB 12.11.2016 DPK
Judge: Ute Wellhöfer (D)
Karlsruhe CAC 13.11.2016 VDP
Judge: Christa Klotz (D)

"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" - 

Veteran Alpensieger Karlsruhe
Veteran BOD Reserve &

Veteran Karlsruhe Sieger

"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - 
CAC DPK, CAC VDH, CACIB, BOB, Alpensieger Karlsruhe, shortlisted IX & CAC VDP, CAC VDH

"Smart Connection Californication" - 

CAC DPK, CAC VDH, CACIB, BOS, Alpensieger Karlsruhe & CAC VDP, CAC VDH, BOB, Karlsruhe Sieger

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - 

CAC DPK, CAC VDH, CACIB, BOS, Alpensieger Karlsruhe & CAC VDP, CAC VDH, BOB, Karlsruhe Sieger

"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - JCAC DPK & JCAC VDP 
Besitzer: Jenny Starke

CAC Dunaujvaros (H)

Richter: Kardos Vilmos


Clear Top Narcis - CAC, BOB

Ungarischer Champion


Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree - CAC, BOB

Ungarischer Grandchampion


Handled&Loved by Erna Kosics

15.10.2015 Bundessieger Dortmund (D)

Richter: Berthold Petersburs (D)


"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - V1, CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH

Besitzerin: Jennifer Starke


Mocoa hat so mit die Bedingungen für den Deutschen Champion VDH mit 10 CAC Titeln erfüllt.

Herzliche Gratulation an Jenny & Mocoa!

7.10.2016 CACIB Komarom, Judge: Dagmar Klein (RO)
8.10.2016 Crufts Quali Komarom, Judge: Marco Marobotto (I)
8.10.2016 Joker Clubschau Komarom, Judge: Ibolya Kiss
9.10.2016 Derby Winner Komarom, Judge: Iris Urschitz

"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - 
CAC, Clubwinner, BOB 
"Hungarian Champion"
"Hungarian Showchampion"

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" -
CAC, CACIB, BOB, shortlisted IX
CAC, Clubwinner, BOB 

"Loved chocolates King Diamond" -
9.10.: JCAC, Derby Winner, Derby BOB 
"Hungarian Junior Champion"
Coowner: Erika Bajko

"Altariels Akelei" - 
CAC, Res. CACIB; CAC; CAC, Clubwinner, BOB; CAC
"Hungarian Grandchampion"
Owner: Michaela Glanner

"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" -
CAC; CAC; JCAC, Clubwinner, BOB; CAC
"Hungarian Junior Champion"
"Hungarian Champion"
"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" -
7.10.: VeteranCAC; 9.10.: VeteranCAC
"Hungarian Veteran Champion"
"Equerry's Replay" -
7.10.: VeteranCAC, BOS, 8.10. VeteranCAC, 9.10.: VeteranCAC
"Hungarian Veteran Champion"

2.10. 2016 Bundessieger Tulln (A)
Richter: Lisbeth Mach (CH)

"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - CACA, CACIB, BOS, Bundessieger
"Smart Connection Californication" - CACA, Res. CACIB
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - V2, B: Jenny Starke

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CACA, CACIB, BOB, Bundessieger
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - JCACA, Bundesjugendsieger, CoOwner: Erika Bajko

"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" - CACA
"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - CACA
"Clear Top Narcis" - CACA.
"Equerry's Replay" - VeteranCACA, Bundesveteranensieger
"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - JCACA, Bundesjugendsieger, CoOwner: Ilona Marton

"Ildefonso Schoko Pudel le papillon" - VeteranCACA, Bundesveteranensieger
"Altariels Akelei" - CACA

1.10. East European Section Show 
Judge: Dr. Göran Bodegard (S)

"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - CACA, CACIB, BOB, East European Winner
"Smart Connection Californication" - CACA, CACIB, BOS, East European Winner
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - V2, B: Jenny Starke

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CACA, CACIB, BOS, East Europen Winner
"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - JCACA, East European Junior Winner, CoOwner: Erika Bajko

"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" - CACA
"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - CACA, res. CACIB
"Clear Top Narcis" - exc.
"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - JCACA, East European Junior Winner, CoOwner: Ilona Marton

Judge: Stefan Wächter (D)

"Ildefonso Schoko Pudel le papillon" - VeteranCACA, East European Veteran Winner
"Altariels Akelei" - CACA, B: Michaela Glanner








Diamond Starlight Nicolette & Solnes Ruby in the Sky präsentieren stolz ihre 1/3 Welpen.


24.09.2016 IX Speciality, Judge: Linda Volarikova (SK)
25.09.2016 CACIB Novi Sad, Judge: Bruno Nodalli (I)

Loved chocolates Janosh: CAC, Clubwinner, BOS & CAC, CACIB, BOB
Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious: CAC, Clubwinner, BOB & CAC
Loved chocolates Galaxy: CAC & CAC, CACIB, BOS; Michaela Glanner
Loved chocolates Little Bandit: 2xJCAC, JBOB; B: Milica Gavrilov
Smart Connection Californication: CAC, Clubwinner, BOB & CAC, CACIB, BOB, shortlisted IX
Solnes Ruby in the Sky: CAC, Clubwinner, BOB, shortlisted BIS & CAC, CACIB, BOB 
Ildefonso Schoko Pudel le Papillon (12years old): CAC, Clubwinner, BOB & VeteranCAC, VeteranBOB, Res.VeteranBIS; B: Michaela Glanner
Altariels Akelei: CAC, Clubwinner, BOS & CAC, CACIB, BOS; B: Michaela Glanner

16.09.2016 CACIB  Kecskemet (H)

Richter: June Wall (IRL)


"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - JCAC, JBOB

"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, CACIB, BOS

"Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"Clear Top Narcis" - CAC, Res.CACIB

17.09.2016 CACIB Kecskemet (H)

Richter: Panos Demetriou (CYP)


"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - JCAC, JBOB, BOB

"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, CACIB, BOS

"Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"Clear Top Narcis" - CAC, Res.CACIB






03.09.2016 CACIB Riihiimäki (FIN)

Richter: Charlotta Mellin (S)



"Loved chocolates Kiss me Kate"



Besitzer: Hilkka Nordenswan


ÖCP Grand Champion


Loved chocolates

Hot Chilli


ÖCP Grand Champion


Altariels Akelei

28.08.2016 2xCAC Velence (H)

"Lovec chocolates Little Prince" - 2x JCAC, BOB

Handling: Ilona Martonne

17.07.2016 CACIB Oberwart (A)

Richter: Carole Garhöfer

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CACA, CACIB, BOB
"Giulfo Thoroughbred" - CACA, CACIB, BOS
"Smart Connection Californication" - CACA, Res. CACIB -- CACIB
"Loved chocolates Janosh" - CACA, CACIB, BOB
"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - JCACA, BOS

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - CACA, CACIB, BOB
Besitzer: Jenny Starke 
"Altariels Akelei" - CACA
Besitzer: Michaela Glanner

16.07.2016 CAC Sid (SRB):

Richter: Stefan Dimitrijevic (SRB)

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CAC, BOB, #‎2BOG‬
"Giulfo Thoroughbred" - CAC, BOB
"Loved chocolates Janosh" - CAC, BOB

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - CAC, BOS
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - JCAC, JBOB, BOS
Besitzer: Jenny Starke

"Loved chocolates Little Bandit" - JCAC
Besitzer: Milica Gavrilov
Thank you for all the great help from the Serbien stuff and Bandito's Family!

3.7.2016 ÖCP Trophy Show (A)

Judge: Bruno Nodalli (I)

Smart Connection Californication – CAC, Trophysieger, BOB, #2BIS
Clear Top Narcis - CAC, Trophysieger, BOB, #3BIS
Loved chocolates Angel’s Kiss – VeteranCAC, Veterantrophysieger, #2VeteranBIS
Loved chocolates Hot Chilli – CAC, Trophysieger, Best female from Austrian Breeding
Loved chocolates King Diamond – JCAC, Jugendtrophysieger
Solnes Ruby in the Sky – CAC, Trophysieger, BOB
Loved chocolates Janosh – CAC
World Virginia’s trofaste lille Kaj - CAC, Trophysieger

Altariels Akelei - CAC
Owner: Michaela Glanner
Loved chocolates Atlantis Sweet Dream - VeteranCAC, Veterantrophysieger, #3VeteranBIS
Owner: Diana Schmidt
Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa – CAC
Owner: Jennifer Starke
Loved chocolates Little Mocca - JCAC, Jugendtrophysieger
Owner: Jennifer Starke
Loved chocolates Little Prince - JCAC, Jugendtrophysieger, BOS, Best male from Austrian Breeding
Coowner: Martonne Kopacsi Ilona
Gently Born Amazon – CAC
Owner: Martonne Kopacsi Ilona 

#1Couple Class– Smart Connection Californication & Loved chocolates Hot Chilli
#1Breeding group – Loved chocolates Toys

2.7.2016 ÖCP Winner Show (A)

Judge: Gabriela Schrank (A)

Loved chocolates Janosh – CAC, Donautalsieger, BOB, #5BIS, Best male from Austrian Breeding
Loved chocolates Angel’s Kiss – VeteranCAC, Veterandonautalsieger, #1VeteranBIS
Smart Connection Californication – CAC
Loved chocolates Hot Chilli – CAC, Donautalsieger, BOB
Loved chocolates King Diamond – JCAC, Jugenddonautalsieger
Solnes Ruby in the Sky – CAC, Donautalsieger, BOS
Clear Top Narcis - CAC, Donautalsieger, BOS

Altariels Akelei - CAC, Donautalsieger
Owner: Michaela Glanner
Loved chocolates Atlantis Sweet Dream - VeteranCAC, Veterandonautalsieger, #3VeteranBIS
Owner: Diana Schmidt
Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa – CAC
Owner: Jennifer Starke
Loved chocolates Little Mocca - JCAC, Jugenddonautalsieger
Owner: Jennifer Starke
Rosteco Loves chocolate and I am fat – very promising,#1BabyBIS
Owner: Jennifer Starke
Loved chocolates Little Prince - JCAC, Jugenddonautalsieger
Coowner: Martonne Kopacsi Ilona
Gently Born Amazon – CAC
Owner: Martonne Kopacsi Ilona

#2Couple Class – Smart Connection Californication & Loved chocolates Hot Chilli
#1Breeding group – Loved chocolates Toys

#2 Andreas & Loved chocolates Janosh
#3 Dori & Clear Top Narcis

18.6.2016 und 19.6.2016

CACIB Klagenfurt (A)


"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss" *16.3.2008 - 2x Klagenfurt: CACA & CACA, CACIB, BOS, Alpensieger
"Loved chocolates Janosh" - 2x Klagenfurt: CACA, Res.CACIB & CACA, CACIB, Alpensieger
"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - 2x Klagenfurt: CACA, Res.CACIB & CACA
"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - CACIB Erfurt: CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH, CACIB, BOS
Owner: Jenny Starke
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - CACIB Erfurt: JCAC-VDP, JCAC-VDH
Owner: Jenny Starke
"Loved chocolates Little Princess" - Italy: excellent
Owner: Samanta Borgogno

1. 10.6.2016 CAC Nitra (SK), 
Judge: Dragana Bujisic Vasiljevic (SRB)
2. 11.6.2016 GrandPrix Nitra (SK), 
Judge: Jean-Francois Vanaken (B)
3. 12.6.2016 CAC Klatovy (CZ), 
Judge: Zuzana Vrsecka (CZ)

4. 12.6.2016 Derby Winner Nitra (SK), 
Judge: Edita Králová (SK)
3xJCAC, 24xCAC, 2xRes.CACIB, 5xCACIB, 4xNV, 2xBOS,
9xBOB, 1xBOG

Slovakian Junior Champion - Loved chocolates King Diamond 
Slovakian Champion - Altariels Akelei, Smart Connection Californication, Giulfo Thoroughbred, Loved chocolates Hot Chilli, World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj, Loved chocolates Janosh, Clear Top Narcis
Czech Champion - Altariels Akelei, Giulfo Thoroughbred, Loved chocolates Hot Chilli, Equerry's Replay

Grooming: Edit Molnár & Anita Biró
Altariels Akelei - 3xCAC

Smart Connection Californication - 
Giulfo Thoroughbred - 3xCAC, 1xRes.CACIB
Loved chocolates Hot Chilli
1. CAC; 
3. CAC, NV, BOB 
Solnes Ruby in the Sky - 
3xCAC, 1xCACIB, 1xNV, 3xBOB
Loved chocolates King Diamond - 3xJCAC in Nitra

World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj - 
Loved chocolates Janosh - 2xCAC, 1xRes.CACIB
Equerry's Replay - 3. CAC, NV, BOB 
Clear Top Narcis - 3xCAC, CACIB, BOS

05.06.2016 "Simply Life" Stetten (A)

Judge: Doris Payerl (A)

World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj - CACA, BOB, #3BIS
Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious - JCACA, BOS
Loved chocolates Janosh - CACA
Gently Born Amazon - CACA
Clear Top Narcis - CACA
Loved chocolates Independence - CACA
Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss - VeteranCACA, #1VeteranBIS

Smart Connection Californication - CACA, BOB, #2BIS
Loved chocolates Hot Chilli - CACA, BOS
Giulfo Thoroughbred - CACA
Solnes Ruby in the Sky - CACA, BOB 

Altariels Akelei - CACA, BOB

04.06.2016 MUT Poodleclubshow Budapest (H)

Judge: Lene Kildeborg Jakobsen

Smart Connection Californication - CAC, Clubwinner, BOB, #3BIS
Loved chocolates Hot Chilli - exc.
Solnes Ruby in the Sky - CAC, Clubwinner, BOS
Loved chocolates King Diamond - very promising, #2PuppyBIS
World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj - CAC, Clubwinner, BOB 
Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss - VeteranCAC, Veteran Clubwinner, BOS, #2VeteranBIS
Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious - JCAC, Junior Clubwinner
Clear Top Narcis - CAC, Clubwinner

Smart Connection Californication & Loved chocolates Hot Chilli - #1Couple Class

Junior Handling:
#1 Dori & Clear Top Narcis 
#2 Andreas & Loved chocolates Janosh

24.4.2016 Breeding Award - Gläserner Pudel (A)

Judge: Guenther Ehrenreich

"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - Classwinner, Best Toy female, Best Toypoodle, Breeding Award, #3BIS
"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj" - Classwinner, Best Toy male
"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" -
Classwinner, Best Dwarf male, Best Dwarfpoodle, #4BIS
"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" -
Classwinner, Best Dwarf female
"Goldfire's Aurora Borealis" -
Classwinner, Best miniature female
Owner: Edit Molnár

"Loved chocolates Little Prince" - 
Coowner: Ilona Marton
"Loved chocolates Little Bandit" -
Owner: Milica Gavrilov
"Loved chocolates Little Princess" -
Owner: Samanta Borgogno
"Loved chocolates Little Mocca"
Owner: Jenny Starke
"Loved chocolates King Diamond"
Coowner: Erika Bajko
all puppies very promising

"Smart Connection Californication & Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - winning Couple class

Classwinners for...
"Altariels Akelei", Owner: Michaela Glanner
"Smart Connection Californication"
"Loved chocolates Independence"
"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss"

#2 Junior Handling for my 6 years old son Andreas with Altariels Akelei.

09.04.2016   CAC DPK Augsburg (D)

Richter: Tomas Kucera (CZ)


"Smart Connection Californication"


Best in Show


"Loved chocolates Angel's Kiss"


Veteran Best in Show


"Loved chocolates Little Mocca"


Puppy Best in Show

Besitzer: Jennifer Starke (D)


"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CAC-DPK, CAC-VDH

"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj" - CAC-DPK, CAC-VDH

"Yamit Muskat Be Cool" - CAC-DPK, SCA, Res.CAC-VDH

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" -  CAC-DPK, SCA, Res.CAC-VDH

Besitzer: Jennifer Starke (D)

02.04.2016  CACIB Nitra (SK)

Richter Bruno Nodalli (I)


"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, CACIB, BOB

"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj" - CAC, CACIB, BOB

"Clear Top Narcis" - CAC, CACIB, BOS

"Altariels Akelei" - CAC

06.03.2016   CACIB Graz (A)

Richter: Tina Taulos (FIN)


"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - CACA, CACIB, BOB

"Sotto Voce Extrovert and Furious" - Vielversprechend

"Altariels Akelei" - CACA

"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - CACA

"Loved chocolates Independence" - CACA, Res. CACIB

"Smart Connection Californication" - CACA


Loved chocolates Hot Chilli und Loved chocolates Independence haben die Bedingungen für den Österreichischer Champion erfüllt.





ÖCP Winner





"Smart Connection Californication"



ÖCP Winner





"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli"





Großpudel in 

Österreich 2015


"Altariels Akelei"



ÖCP Winner





"Altariels Akelei"




Erfolgreichster Toypudel in Österreich 2015


"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj"




Erfolgreichster Zwergpudel in

Österreich 2015


"Smart Connection Californication"

21.02.2016 CACIB Celje

Richter: Linda Volarikova


"Loved chocolates Independence" - CAC, CACIB, BOB

"Altariels Akelei" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"Smart Connection Californication" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"Giulfo Thoroughbred" - CAC

20.02.2016 Clubsieger Budapest

Richter: Andras Korozs


"Smart Connection Californication" - 

CAC, Clubsieger, BOB, #2BIS

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa"-

CAC, Clubsieger, BOS

Besitzer&Handling: Jennifer Starke

diese zwei #1Paarklasse


"Giulfo Thoroughbred" - CAC

"Altariels Akelei" - CAC, Clubsieger, BOB

"Equerry's Replay" - CAC, Clubsieger, BOB

"Loved chocolates Independence" - CAC, Clubsieger, BOS


"Loved chocolates Little Bandit" - very promising, #1BabyBIS; Besitzer: Milica Gavrilov

"Loved chocolates Little Mocca" - very promising, #3BabyBIS; Besitzer: Jennifer Starke

"Loved chocolates King Diamond" - very promising; Handling: Erika Bajko

20.02.2016 CACIB Budapest

Richter: Rainer Jakobs


"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - CAC, CACIB, BOS

Besitzer & Handling: Jennifer Starke


"Altariels Akelei" - CAC

"Loved chocolates Independence" - CAC

19.02.2016 CACIB Budapest

Richter: Gyula Sarközy


"Giulfo Thoroughbred" - CAC, CACIB, BOB

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - CAC, CACIB, BOS

"Altariels Akelei" - CAC, Res.CACIB

"Loved chocolates Independence" - CAC

18.02.2016 CACIB Budapest 

Richter: Ferenc Gröschl


"Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree" - CAC, CACIB, BOS

Handling: Erna Kosics



06./07.02.2016   Double CACIB Brno
                           Richter: Belskyy Vitaliy, Vitková Viera & Tamas Jakkel

"Smart Connection Californication" - 2xCAC, Res.CACIB
"Loved chocolates Hot Sangaree" - 2xCAC
"Clear Top Narcis" - 2xCAC, Res.CACIB
"Loved chocolates Hot Chilli" - 2xCAC, Res.CACIB, CACIB, BOS
"Solnes Ruby in the Sky" - 2xJCAC, 2xJBOB, 2xBOB
"World Virginia's trofaste lille Kaj" - 2xCAC, Res.CACIB
"Loved chocolates Independence" - 2xCAC


Foto: Edit Molnár mit Smart Connection Californication

09.02.2016  CACIB Nürnberg (D)

                     Richter: Andrea Ernst (D)

"Loved chocolates Hot Mocoa" - V1, CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH, Res.CACIB--CACIB

Besitzerin: Jennifer Starke (D)

Herzliche Gratulation Euch beiden!

02.02.2016 Ich bastle an meiner Webseite.